Maidaan Occupancy Show Wise -
Day Details |
Occupancy |
Morning | Noon | Evening-Night | |
Day 1 (Thursday) |
12-13% | 17-18% | 12-13% |
Day 2 (Friday) |
4-5% | 7-8% | 14% |
Day 3 (Saturday) |
10% | 22-23% | 27-28% |
Day 4 (Sunday) |
17-18% | 35% | 17-18% |
Day 5 (Monday) |
5% | 8-9% | 11% |
Day 6 (Tuesday) |
4-4.5% | 8-9% | 15% |
Day 7 (Wednesday) |
10% | 15% | 10% |
Day 8 (2nd Thursday) |
4-4.5% | 8% | 9% |
Day 9 (2nd Friday) |
5-6% | 9-10% | 15% |
Day 10 (2nd Saturday) |
9-10% | 19% | 22-23% |
Day 11 (2nd Sunday) |
14% | 37-38% | 15% |
Day 12 (2nd Monday) |
5% | 8% | 10% |
Day 13 (2nd Tuesday) |
5-5.5% | 8% | 9-10% |
Day 14 (2nd Wednesday) |
5-6% | 8-9% | 10% |
Day 15 (3rd Thursday) |
6% | 8-9% | 10% |
Maidaan Day Wise Occupancy:
Day 1 - 14.17% approx (7,750 shows)
Day 2 - 8.66% approx (7,750 shows)
Day 3 - 20% approx (7,750 shows)
Day 4 - 23.33% approx (7,750 shows)
Day 5 - 8.17% approx (6,000 shows)
Day 6 - 9.25% approx (6,000 shows)
Day 7 - 11.67% approx (6,000 shows)
Day 8 - 7.08% approx (6,000 shows)
Day 9 - 10% approx (4,000 shows)
Day 10 - 17% approx (4,000 shows)
Day 11 - 22.17% approx (4,000 shows)
Day 12 - 7.67% approx (3,900 shows)
Day 13 - 7.58% approx (3,900 shows)
Day 14 - 8% approx (3,900 shows)
Day 15 - 8.17% approx (3,900 shows)
Disclaimer: Addatoday makes no assertions regarding the authenticity of the data
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