Sooryavanshi Tuesday (5th Day) Collection Update for Morning shows, Steady Start Again

Sooryavanshi has taken a slow but steady start again at the Indian box office on Tuesday (day 5) morning shows. The film has reported a minimal drop from the previous day (day 4). This is extremely good news and trend suggest film should be rock steady through the weekdays now.

Sooryavanshi has open to 12-13% occupancy in the morning shows of the 5th day. For the same, day 4 occupancy was around 14%. It means a nominal drop of just 10%. At places, the drop is even less than that. Now the film is expected to see growth in occupancy as the day progresses. We expect the best occupancy in the evening and the night shows.

Occupancy Report of Sooryavanshi for Morning Shows (Samples only) - 

Tuesday - 12-13%

Monday - 14%

Sunday - 38-39%

Saturday - 28%

Friday - 30%

Sooryavanshi has collected 90 crore net approx in the first four days. The film is on track to touch the 100 crore net mark by the end of the day today. A double-digit finish for the day will ensure that. 

The film is all set to emerge as a HIT now. 1st Monday and 1st Tuesday trends have ensured that. 150 crore mark looks almost certain now. How much more film can collect beyond that and whether it can emerge as a Super Hit, that will be known depending on the box office performance of the film in the second weekend. Chances are good though.

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