The biggest news of the day is coming in. Superstar director Shankar and Ranveer Singh are joining hands for the official adaptation of cult blockbuster Anniyan. The film will be produced by Dr. Jayantilal Gada and co-produced by God Bless Entertainment.
Anniyan has achieved cult status down south India. The film was already dubbed in Hindi in the name Aparichit and it has also achieved cult status over the years.
Collaboration of India's biggest director in Shankar and also one of the talented Bollywood actors in Ranveer Singh is something to look for. The film will be a proper pan-India release and will be released in multiple languages.
The shooting of the film will commence from mid-2022. The release date is not announced yet.
Proudly announcing my collaboration with the pioneering visionary of Indian cinema, the maverick master craftsman SHANKAR @shankarshanmugh 🎥💫 powered by veteran film producer Dr. Jayantilal Gada @jayantilalgada @PenMovies 🧿🙏🏽
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) April 14, 2021
In this moment, no one will be happier than me, bringing back the larger than life cinematic experience with @RanveerOfficial in the official adaptation of cult blockbuster Anniyan.@jayantilalgada @PenMovies
— Shankar Shanmugham (@shankarshanmugh) April 14, 2021
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Ranveer behaves and thinks he's too big a star now. He needs to be humble not a showman.